Model Building Tips
In this section of our website, we would like to recommend and give tips on how to properly build a model. These tips will help prolong airplane life. In the explanation, we will use our photos and descriptions. We hope that our tips will help you and your model planes.
Motor-box Reinforcement:
In order to reinforce the motor-box, we suggest that you drill a hole and screw the self tapping screws with the use of glue. This will prolong the life of the motor-box as it won't break from the vibrations.

In order to preserve the hinges (Robart Style), we suggest to use the tape between stabilizers - elevators, and wings - ailerons.
Wheel Pants Reinforcement:
In order not to break the wheel pants from vibration, fixate the wheel pants on to the wheel axle. For this, you need to glue the plywood shim to the wheel pants.
Fixation of Pins (Canopy):
As you can see on the photograph, we drill a hole into the canopy, and reinforce the pins that goes into the airplane with a toothpick or carbon with the help of glue. You do this on each side (where you fasten the canopy) and in the front.
Model Film Maintenance
With models that use print scheme film, you have to use blow dryer to shrink the film. A stretched film can lead to a film breakage as it is more stiff than standard film !!!
Many customers were interfaced with the problem of rapid wear of the wheels of models, in many cases it simply cranking about the disk or from side load rubber separated from the disk. To prevent wear - recommended, disassemble your wheel, degrease it, spread it with sealant, then collect and leave to dry. In the future, the sealant will not allow the rubber to rotate on the disc and preserve the durability of the wheel.